General view mode

During platforming phases, the camera can be rotated by using the right stick (or the mouse). The player can use it to move around the character and see the environment around them. The screen on the left shows the closest position to the character the camera can have, while the right one shows the farthest position. The character is always at the center.

If the character is near a wall, the behavior of the camera will change a bit to prevent it from "entering" into the wall when moving it. Instead, it will zoom more on the character, but they would still stay at the center of the camera. If the character is facing the wall and the camera is facing the character, the wall will not be visible.

Echo view mode

When the player enters the Echo mode, the character moves a bit and the camera zooms on the character (from picture one to picture two). Saira is always on the side, looking at the landscape. When leaving the Echo mode, the camera goes back to its previous position (from picture two to picture one) and the character returns to its previous position.

If the character is facing the wall and the players enters the Echo mode, the camera behavior will still be the same. The wall will not be visible and the player will have the same view point as on picture two.