The fundamentals

A legend from thousands of years ago…
- Creation of the world by Brahma. He then went back to the Celestrial Realm to stay with his wife, Saraswati.
- World guarded by Vishnu, Shiva and their wives, who became major figures of worship. Brahma and Saraswati were less revered, as they were not physically present.
- At some point, a terrible disease poisoned the soil and the Devas decided to destroy the contaminated part and save the untouched part by sending it to the Celestial Realm.
- Terribly tired, the Devas fell into a deep sleep and, before fading in the air, gave their powers to people who worshipped them.

What is told about Narada
- Son of Brahma and Saraswati, he was sent on the Terrestrial Realm to help the people live according to Purushartha and reach Moksha. He was the first bearer of the power of the Voice.
- Narada was known for traveling across the world with his vina, a stringed instrument, to spread words of wisdom and inform the people about his visions of the future.
- As he could see the past, the present and the future, he informed the Devas and the people of the disease that will spread in some years.